What Does Take A Break Mean On Facebook?

Now, you can Take a break on Facebook from your ex and other people you don’t like. This feature has created a buzz, so we decided to cover this topic for you.

After your breakup, you won’t care about a person anymore because you have made up your mind. You will not meet them, but they can play emotionally with your mind on social media. So, is there any solution to cut them off from your virtual life?

To meet your expectations, Facebook built the Take a break feature, so that you can maintain a digital distance from your ex and people you want to overlook.

You can unfriend or unfollow someone on Facebook, but now you can take a break to forget them. This feature limits someone’s content on your timeline, including posts where they have been tagged. You can also restrict them from accessing your past posts on Facebook.

We have covered mainly three things about taking a break on Facebook–

  • What is the difference between the Take a break and unfollow features?
  • What taking a break on Facebook means, and how is it useful?
  • How to take a break from someone on Facebook?

So, stay tuned with us.

What does take a break mean on Facebook

Take A Break Vs Unfollow on Facebook

You must use the “Take a break” feature to understand how it differs from unfollowing someone. Some believe “Take a break” does precisely what “unfollow” does for them. Do you have the same confusion?

As you unfollow someone on Facebook, their posts don’t appear on your timelines, but they can see your posts on their news feed. This feature was insufficient to maintain a digital distance from someone.

On the contrary, “Take a break” is a step ahead of “unfollow.” You can have a digital breakup without unfriending Facebook users. After taking a break from Facebook friends, you won’t see their posts on your timeline, and your posts won’t appear on their timelines. Additionally, you can delete the moments you share with them.

What Does Take A Break Mean On Facebook?

Now, there is no need to unfriend your ex on Facebook. You can only use “Take a break” feature to remove him/her from your social media life.

But what is take a break on Facebook?

Breakup is an unfortunate part of a love relationship, but it does not mean you unfriend or block your ex-lover on Facebook. Therefore, Facebook introduced a new feature called “Take a break,” so two people see less about each other on their timelines. Sometimes, digital distancing with physical distancing becomes important for our personal lives.

Now, time to know what happens when you take a break on Facebook.

See Less Of Someone’s Profile

After taking a break from someone, you won’t see their posts on your Facebook timeline.

You’ll also not see where they are being tagged in. So, updates related to them won’t appear on your timeline anymore.

In addition, Facebook will not prompt you to message or tag them in your photos.

You can switch to see someone’s profile anywhere on Facebook, so they will start appearing again.

Limit What Someone’s Profile Will See

Win-win situation! Your posts wouldn’t appear on their timeline even if your mutual friends tagged you in their posts.

You can put someone’s profile on your restricted list so they won’t see your posts that are shared with friends unless you tag their profile.

Edit Who Can See Past Posts

You can edit individual posts. It allows you to look at posts individually and decide which you’d like to make more private or untag.

Moreover, you can edit all your posts and posts where you’re tagged in. After making the changes, anything you’ve posted that someone’s tagged in will only be visible to you.

Not only that, but you’ll also be untagged in someone’s posts and other posts that you’re both tagged in.

Lastly, anything you posted on each other’s timeline will be deleted.

Now, you know what does Take a break on Facebook mean.

How To Take A Break From Someone On Facebook

If you are thinking, how do I take a break from someone on Facebook? This part is for you.

You can take a break from someone’s profile using the Facebook app or website.

Are you ready to know the steps involved in taking a break from someone? They are as follows.

  1. Launch the Facebook app on your smartphone.
  2. Visit a profile to take a break from it.
  3. Tap the Friends button under the user’s name and bio. A pop-up comes out.
  4. Next, tap Take a Break.
  5. You’ll navigate to the Take a Break page. There, you can change your privacy settings.
  6. Tap “See options” under each heading and make relevant changes.

Hurray! You successfully took a break without unfriending someone.

If you can’t find the option to Take a break on the Facebook website, then follow the link. You’ll get all the options.


Facebook is one of those social media apps that lets you enjoy not only friendships but also relationships.

If you wish to Take a break from someone’s profile, photos, status updates, videos, and more, this article has covered almost everything for you– how do you Take a break from someone on Facebook?

Remember to share our guide with your family and friends so they can better understand the Take a break feature on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does unfollow mean on Facebook?

Unfollow means you won’t see their posts on your news feed. But they can see your posts on their timelines.

What does Take a break do on Facebook?

You can forget someone using take a break option on Facebook. Their posts will not appear on your news feed, and your post will not appear on their news feed. This way, you maintain digital distancing from each other while being friends on Facebook. In addition, You can put limits to your past posts and share memories.

How to Take a break from someone on Facebook without blocking them?

Navigate to someone’s profile to Take a break from them. There, tap the “Friends” button and choose the “Take a break” option. On the next page, tap “See options” under each heading and make appropriate changes.

Does “take a break” on Facebook unfriend?

No, “take a break” on Facebook does not unfriend. You’ll stay friends on Facebook.

If I take a break from someone on Facebook, will they know?

No, Facebook does not notify the person you are taking a break from. But not seeing your posts on their news feed will create doubt, so they can catch what’s happening.

If I take a break from someone on Facebook, can they still message me?

Yes, as you both are friends, they can message you. Taking a break does not mean unfriending or blocking someone on Facebook.

How long does take a break last on Facebook?

The Facebook “take a break” feature stays active until you revoke all three changes. If you’ve unfriend someone, then you’ve to add and follow them again to receive updates from their walls.

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