7 Advantages of LED Lights Over Fluorescent Lights

A simple comparison between LED lights and fluorescent lights, or even other energy-saving illumination methods available today, will reveal that LED lights are the best options for people and businesses. With advancements consistently made in the technology field, it’s no wonder the world is witnessing green LED lighting.

LED light advantages

Why are LED lights better than fluorescent lights?

Here are 7 reasons for an easier understanding of why LED lights are better than fluorescent lights –

#1 Absence of Ultraviolet Light in LEDs

Fluorescent lamps (especially the T8s) are notorious for their harmful UV emissions. A 2008 study by The Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) made alarming connections between Fluorescent light and numerous human diseases.

Another survey by the Health Protection Agency of the United Kingdom revealed that some fluorescent lamps emit ultraviolet radiation. This has been linked to a plethora of health problems, most of which involve aggravating existing medical conditions like Ménière’s disease, Asperger’s syndrome, and even cataracts).

For those involved in the field of art, LEDs are preferable to fluorescent lights because the UV emissions from other light sources harm watercolors on canvases, glass, and textiles, which might damage expensive artworks substantially.

#2 Low-Voltage

LED lights can run easily on a low-voltage power supply, which is a huge advantage for those living in areas that witness a lot of electrical fluctuations or those living in rural settings. This is not so for fluorescent lights.

Technological advancements have enabled certain LEDs to emit over 100 lumens per watt.

#3 Switching Fluorescent Lights On and Off Frequently Can Accelerate Bulb Failures

In fact, if they are continuously switched on and off in a single day, their lifespan might be shorter than that of a cheap incandescent lamp. This is because every time the light is switched on, it erodes (slightly) the electron-emitting surface of the cathodes. After all the emission material has been used, a fluorescent lamp will not be able to give you light, irrespective of the ballast voltage available.

#4 LED Lights Lack Mercury

And that’s something available in every fluorescent lamp. Even if a small amount of Mercury (Hg) is spilled, it can immediately contaminate the surrounding environment. Exposure to mercury—even small amounts—may cause severe health problems and is a threat to a child’s development in utero and early life.

The shattered bulb glass is considered more of a hazard than the mercury itself, and vacuuming it is not advised, lest the particles become airborne. However, since LED lights are free of toxic chemicals, they make the ideal lighting, especially in homes with toddlers.

#5 LED Lights are More Durable

LEDs have extremely sturdy components designed to withstand the roughest and most extreme conditions. They are also resistant to vibrations, shock, external impacts, and the elements of nature, making them ideal for personal or commercial outdoor use.

#6 Fluorescent Lights Are Inefficient At High and Low Temperatures

Unlike LED lights, LED lamps operate best at room temperature, unaffected by surrounding temperatures. Even if the temperatures are extremely high or low, LED lamps will work flawlessly (due to heat dissipation elements such as heat sinks and cooling fins). At the same time, the average T8 fitting might have to be replaced by special lamps that will work under such extreme conditions.

The most important use of this application is in railway and roadway signaling; if there’s even a little ice buildup around fluorescent lamps, the lights dim, which reduces visibility and increases the chances of accidents.

#7 Light from Fluorescent Bulb Is Non-Directional

This means that fluorescent bulbs give off the light in all directions (360 degrees). Of this, roughly 60% of the light is usable, while the remaining 40% is wasted. This leads to placing more bulbs inside the building, especially in commercial buildings, generating up to 30% more electricity bills, which could have easily been avoided if LED lamps had been used instead.

Most LEDs do not emit light in all directions, and their directional characteristics depend on the lamps’ design.

1 thought on “7 Advantages of LED Lights Over Fluorescent Lights”

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