How Do I See My Timeline On Facebook?

Newbies often ask, “how do I see my timeline on Facebook.” So, we have written this article to introduce them to the Facebook timeline. But if you have been using Facebook for years, this article is not for you.

Millions of people create their Facebook accounts daily to connect with their friends and audience. However, these users need help managing their timelines on Facebook. Perhaps you are one of them, so we are here to help you.

After setting up your profile, you must know how to see the timeline on Facebook. If you don’t know much about it, keep reading our article to explore all the essential information.

On the Facebook app, you can tap your profile picture in the top left on the homepage to see your timeline. It shows your shared information like your name, intro, education, neighborhood, workplace, and other social media pages. Not only that, but it also includes your photos, friends, life events, and posts.

It’s time to get everything about the Facebook timeline and how to find it after creating your account.

How do I see my timeline on Facebook

What is Facebook Timeline?

Facebook has completed a long journey– when it was only for Harvard university students, but now billions of users are engaging on this platform for different purposes.

Since its launch, Facebook has brought many exciting features, so everyone can use this platform not connect safely with their family and friends but also grow their businesses.

These days, Facebook is competing with many other popular social media platforms but growing the audience and popularity with time.

Facebook’s timeline feature has existed since 2011 but was made public in 2012. After that, it completely changed how the user profile looked previously.

Facebook Timeline is a combined form of a user profile and wall. It displays the user’s public information and his posts.

Your public information includes your profile picture, cover photos, intro, location, education, workplace, friend list, and life events.

Similarly, your posts can be text posts, photos, videos, and other posts from your friend where you are tagged.

How To Find Your Timeline on Facebook?

The steps to find your timeline on Facebook are quite similar on the web browser and Facebook app.

On The Web Browser

Steps to see your timeline on the Facebook web:

  • Open the website on your browser.
  • Sign in to your account.
  • Click your profile picture in the top right corner.
  • Then click your profile picture or name on the drop-down.
  • It will take you to your Facebook profile or timeline.

On The Facebook App

Steps to see your timeline on the Facebook app:

  • Open the Facebook app.
  • Sign into your account if required.
  • Tap your profile picture on the bottom bar.
  • Then tap your profile picture with your name.
  • And you will be on your profile page or timeline.

On your timeline, you can see all the information you’ve added to complete your profile, and in the later part, you can see all your posts and posts from others where you are tagged. In addition, you can use “Filters” to see content posted by you, others, or anyone.

Two Facebook friends can see each other’s timelines, but people not on your friend list can see your public posts. Even you can tweak privacy settings for your friends too.

How To Remove/Hide Posts From Your Timeline?

You have two ways to hide posts from your timeline– use the Manage posts option or remove each post individually.

You can tap the “Manage posts” button on your timeline to select multiple posts to delete or hide from your timeline. This option also lets you filter those posts in which your friends tagged you so that you can remove tags from these posts.

So, you can just use this option to select multiple posts to delete, hide from the timeline, and remove tags at once. Isn’t it a good feature? You can also apply filters to locate a type of post instantly.

Use the Manage Posts Button

Steps to delete or hide posts from your timeline using the Manage posts option:

  • Open your Facebook app.
  • Tap the profile picture icon in the bottom bar.
  • Tap your profile picture next to your name.
  • Scroll down and locate the Manage posts button.
  • Tap the Manage posts button to select multiple posts.
  • To apply filters, tap the three-line icon in the top right corner.
  • Apply relevant filters “Go To, Posted by, Privacy, & Tagged posts” to sort posts.
  • Select a few posts and tap the Next button.
  • Now you can choose among three actions – Delete, Hide from timeline, & Remove Tags.

Delete An Individual Post

Steps to delete or hide the individual post from your timeline:

  • Open the Facebook app.
  • Scroll down or filter out a post to delete or hide from your timeline.
  • Next, tap on the three dots given next to your name. A pop-up will come up.
  • Now, tap the Move to trash button, and it won’t appear on your timeline anymore.

If you want to hide a post from your friends and followers, tap the Move to archive button. This post will be archived, and only you can access it.

How To Stop People From Posting On Your Timeline?

Fortunately, there’s also an option available to stop people from posting on your timeline. The steps differ on mobile and desktop devices, so we’ll cover them separately.

On the Web Version

You can change your account’s settings so other people can’t post on your timeline. The steps for the Facebook web version are as follows:

  • Open the Facebook website on your web browser and sign in.
  • Click your profile picture in the top right corner, and a drop-down will open.
  • Navigate to Settings & privacy > Settings > Privacy > Profile and tagging.
  • Now under the Profile settings, you can select “Who can post on your profile?” If you don’t want friends to post on your timeline, then choose “Only me.”

On the Mobile App

Following are the steps to stop friends from posting on your timeline:

  • Open the Facebook app.
  • Tap your profile in the bottom bar (iOS) and top bar (Android).
  • Scroll down the page and tap “Settings & privacy.”
  • Navigate to Settings > Profile settings > Profile and tagging.
  • Tap “Who can post on your profile?”
  • Tap the “Only me” radio button.

After making these changes, only you can post on your timeline, and your friends won’t get this chance.

Under “Profile and tagging,” you can also tweak settings for “Viewing and sharing,” “Tagging,” and “Reviewing.” Make changes consciously so that nothing bothers you later.

You should also enable the option to review posts you’re tagged in before the post appears on your profile. So, such posts won’t appear on your timeline without your review.

Some people want to keep their Facebook accounts private, so now they can lock their profiles. After locking, your profile will not remain public, and only your friend will be able to access your profile. Non-friends will not see your timeline and its content.


Trying new things is a part of our daily lives. Social media platforms can be new to us. But taking help from useful resources makes it easy to use.

This article talked about the Facebook timeline or profile page and its features. After reading our article, anyone can manage their timelines.

We have written more posts about Facebook to learn something new every time, and you can browse them on our blog. So read them, and don’t forget to share them within your social circle.

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