From mid-2012, you can use a custom permalink for your blog post on Blogspot/Blogger. A permalink is a permanent link for your blog post. Are you aware of this new feature of Blogspot/Blogger? If not, I am writing in detail hereunder.
In the past, Blogspot was used to scrape the post permalink from post titles. But now, you can customize a post permalink using a Blogger dashboard. The post permalink is a very important element of SEO. As you all know, bots/spiders of different search engines (like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex) crawl a web page and pick the keyword from the permalink to show that particular web page in search results.
Are you new to blogging? Then learn how to create a free blog using Blogspot-
How do search engines look for keywords?
Using the right keyword in a permalink may give you a better search engine ranking for a particular post. You should avoid stop words in the permalink. So, always create a clean permalink for every post. Stop words are those words that search engines ignore during crawling and populating the results.
How to create a custom permalink for a post on Blogger?
1. When you’re creating a post, look at the right sidebar. You’ll find the Permalink Option as shown below:
2. After clicking on that, you’ll see two options (radio buttons) – ‘Automatic Permalink’ and ‘Custom Permalink.’
3. Now check the radio button appearing just before the Custom Permalink option. A box will appear below, in which you can fill in the custom permalink of your choice.
4. Make sure the Blogger autosave function has suggested the permalink, then click the Done button.
5. Separate two words using a hyphen (–) or dot (.). The correct format of the permalink is tech-prevue-labs. Please avoid techprevuelabs.
If you have already published a post and want to change the post, you can change the permalink. How? you can read it here.
A good one to make a custom permalink for SEO…
Most welcome!
That’s indeed useful for SEO. Thanks for sharing and tweeted :)
Welcome Techalam :)
I also got this right friend, thanks for giving it out for free.
Good one, I was searching for this! I was confused about which one to use auto permalink or custom permalink! Thanks, man!
It is better to use a custom permanent link if you know what are doing.